Reed's Rukus

Learning to have faith similar to the way Reed looks at life: Simple and Child like

Why Being A Toddler Is So Hard April 24, 2012

So I was not going to blog about this because I was somewhat embarrassed, but then I realized that every parent who has a child has watched them go through a temper tantrum. Ross went kayaking and bike riding this weekend and his kayak is still in the middle of our garage. When we got home yesterday Reed wanted to play with all of it. The video below is the action I got from him when he did not get his way. This lasted for a good 30-45 minutes.

Reed Wiggin Out

After reflecting on his behavior yesterday I got on and saw this article. Take a few minutes to read it if you have the time. It gives you life from their perspective and I kind of get it now.

So it’s okay little buddy. Wig out all you want. Sooner or later you will get tired.