Reed's Rukus

Learning to have faith similar to the way Reed looks at life: Simple and Child like

Behind Every Great Man, Son, Or Daughter Is A Great Mama April 24, 2012


So the reason why I have waited until today to blog this week is because I knew what I wanted to blog about, but the words regarding this blog have not been easy to write. For the first time in a long time I have been at a loss for words. I am also pretty sure that this is the first blog that I write that starts off with a picture. So, I’m sure you are wondering two things:  1.) Who is in the picture? and 2.) Why is this blog so hard to write? This weeks blog is dedicated to my Mom.  I know Mother’s day is still a few weeks away but with my graduation that weekend and having family come into town I thought I would do it this week. Especially since yesterday was her birthday. This Thursday will also be 2 years that I told my Mom that she had a grandchild on the way. I secretly think she wished it on me since the week before she was trying to convince my little brother to give her a grandchild because she knew that I wasn’t going too. 😉

For as long as I can remember my Mom has always been selfless. She has always gone above and beyond to do anything for my little brother and I and pretty much anyone else that she has met. She has done PTC, traveled around the US for my dance trips, brought my brother and his buddies to all their soccer tournaments, and helped put on Project Graduation for both my brother and I’s graduating classes. She has done without so that we could have whatever we wanted. She has made me, especially after having Reed, want to become the best Mom I can possibly be.

When I was a child I always thought that what my parents did for me was owed to me. That I just deserved it. I thought it was ludicrous that they made me work for things. Looking back now, I am so thankful that I still had a curfew as a senior and that they still made me call and tell them where I was. They held me accountable for my actions, and I do not think I would be who I am today if they wouldn’t have.

In saying all that, watching my Mom with my son reminds me of memories that I have had as a child. As previously mentioned, every time she comes over or we go there Reed has something new. She doesn’t do this because she has to do it, she does it because she WANTS  to do it. Reed’s eyes light up every time she walks in the door. The relationship they have is unlike any other. To be honest, when thinking about it I tear up. She has taught him how to make bubbles with his wash cloths, how to skip to ma loo, and I think she is one of the reasons he blows kisses when he leaves. She is the first person who comes to the rescue every time he is sick and I have to work. 

Mom, thank for you everything you have done for me and now for Reed. The unconditional love that you give is something we will never forget.


My Mom helping Reed fill up his pool with what he calls the “shower” 


 This is what my Mom and Reed call the sleeping or seeping chair. Now who else besides your Mom can rock your kid to sleep where they are out like this.