Reed's Rukus

Learning to have faith similar to the way Reed looks at life: Simple and Child like

My apology to my friends with children… March 8, 2012

Yesterday while playing on Facebook I came across an article from the Huffington Post. It was in the parents section and the title was, “Apology To The Parents I Judged Four Years Ago”. After reading this article it brought me back to a situation with Reed last week. Sometimes after work, depending on Reed’s mood when I go to get him, I try to run some errands or go grocery shopping. Last Wednesday I took Reed to Target. We needed some things for him: Diapers, Food, Milk, and Juice. I also bought him a shirt. Yes, I often splurge on cute things when he doesn’t really need them. Anyways, I get to the baby aisle and start putting Gerber fruit snacks, twists, and strips in the basket. Next thing I know he is screaming for the fruit twists. I tried to deter him with the pretzel and miniature frosted mini wheats that were already in his backpack but that did not work out as planned. Okay fine, I’ll give him one and then he’ll be fine were my thoughts. However, he had other plans. He ate the whole box except for 1. They only have 5 in the box. He then proceeds to find a way to squat in the seat of the cart. I have the strap on him as tight as I can get it to go. Next thing I know he is standing against the seat and then proceeds one foot at a time to get out of the strap belt. I am flabbergasted watching him do this. He then decided that he wanted in the big part of the basket and climbs over.  This gave him more freedom to try to grab things off the shelf and open then things that were inside of my cart. By this point I am at my wit’s end. If I wouldn’t have had a full cart of groceries I would have left right then and there. By the time we check out he has climbed out of the seat into the big part of the cart,  and then decides he no longer wants in the cart begins to cry, which if you know Reed it’s more of a shrill,  and I end up holding him while trying to push the cart. The icing on the cake was him trying to get on top of the belt that pushes the groceries to the cashier.

I used to be the person who judged my friends for having issues with their children, or I would laugh when they would tell stories similar to the one I just told. Not anymore. I was so embarrassed being in Target and feeling like I could not do anything to calm and soothe my child. So to my friends, I’m sorry. I am now in your boat and I will NEVER judge you or how you handle your children ever again.

Below is the link. Take some time to read it. You’ll be glad you did.