Reed's Rukus

Learning to have faith similar to the way Reed looks at life: Simple and Child like

More Young Adults Accidently Pregnant, Why? May 1, 2012

Filed under: Life Lessons and Family Experiences — bolingk @ 11:36 am

More Young Adults Accidently Pregnant, Why?

I read this article on babble this morning and found it very interesting. I had no idea there were so many people out there. I’d love for you guys to read this article and constructively comment. Everyone’s entitled for their own opinion on the subject. 🙂


Reed’s first Festival International De Louisiane April 30, 2012


This past weekend was pretty low-key. We took care of things around the house because we have company coming in next week.  On Sunday we were able to bring Reed to his first Festival International.

According to their website:

Festival International de Louisiane is truly a community event drawing together approximately 1,500 volunteers from all segments of the community to work together to celebrate both our diversity and the common human experience that binds us together. Through the arts presented and the joint efforts to produce it, the festival contributes to the spirit of community that is so unique to the Acadiana region.

The annual 5-day festival is held during the last full week of April. Historic downtown Lafayette, Louisiana, is transformed into an entertainment complex featuring six music stages, food court areas, street musicians and animators, arts and crafts boutiques, art galleries, beverage stands, cultural workshops, international cooking demonstrations and a world music store.

Below are just a few highlights of Reed’s day:

This was Reed before we left the house. I think that he has decided he might actually enjoy wearing hats. Here he is being silly.

This was Reed when we first got there. He fell asleep in the car on the way over there so he was a little out of it.


The people in these costumes had to be hot. Nonetheless, Reed LOVED them.

Here is a video of the green monster picking on Reed. He was so excited.

Reed and the Monster on Stilts

It was pretty hot outside so we let Reed play in the fountain.  I have some cute pictures of him but the video is the best. See below:

Reed playing in the fountain at Parc San Souci

On our way back to the car we stopped so Reed could watch this guy juggle. Below is a video. He thought it was really cool.

Reed and the juggler

So I am not sure if you read my about me portion of the blog, but this blog was started for a class and technically tonight would be my last blog. However, I am enjoying this so much that I have decided to keep up with it. Thank you very much Dr. Ron Cheek for introducing to the blogging world. I would have never realized that I have a passion for it if it weren’t for you.



Why Being A Toddler Is So Hard April 24, 2012

So I was not going to blog about this because I was somewhat embarrassed, but then I realized that every parent who has a child has watched them go through a temper tantrum. Ross went kayaking and bike riding this weekend and his kayak is still in the middle of our garage. When we got home yesterday Reed wanted to play with all of it. The video below is the action I got from him when he did not get his way. This lasted for a good 30-45 minutes.

Reed Wiggin Out

After reflecting on his behavior yesterday I got on and saw this article. Take a few minutes to read it if you have the time. It gives you life from their perspective and I kind of get it now.

So it’s okay little buddy. Wig out all you want. Sooner or later you will get tired.


Behind Every Great Man, Son, Or Daughter Is A Great Mama


So the reason why I have waited until today to blog this week is because I knew what I wanted to blog about, but the words regarding this blog have not been easy to write. For the first time in a long time I have been at a loss for words. I am also pretty sure that this is the first blog that I write that starts off with a picture. So, I’m sure you are wondering two things:  1.) Who is in the picture? and 2.) Why is this blog so hard to write? This weeks blog is dedicated to my Mom.  I know Mother’s day is still a few weeks away but with my graduation that weekend and having family come into town I thought I would do it this week. Especially since yesterday was her birthday. This Thursday will also be 2 years that I told my Mom that she had a grandchild on the way. I secretly think she wished it on me since the week before she was trying to convince my little brother to give her a grandchild because she knew that I wasn’t going too. 😉

For as long as I can remember my Mom has always been selfless. She has always gone above and beyond to do anything for my little brother and I and pretty much anyone else that she has met. She has done PTC, traveled around the US for my dance trips, brought my brother and his buddies to all their soccer tournaments, and helped put on Project Graduation for both my brother and I’s graduating classes. She has done without so that we could have whatever we wanted. She has made me, especially after having Reed, want to become the best Mom I can possibly be.

When I was a child I always thought that what my parents did for me was owed to me. That I just deserved it. I thought it was ludicrous that they made me work for things. Looking back now, I am so thankful that I still had a curfew as a senior and that they still made me call and tell them where I was. They held me accountable for my actions, and I do not think I would be who I am today if they wouldn’t have.

In saying all that, watching my Mom with my son reminds me of memories that I have had as a child. As previously mentioned, every time she comes over or we go there Reed has something new. She doesn’t do this because she has to do it, she does it because she WANTS  to do it. Reed’s eyes light up every time she walks in the door. The relationship they have is unlike any other. To be honest, when thinking about it I tear up. She has taught him how to make bubbles with his wash cloths, how to skip to ma loo, and I think she is one of the reasons he blows kisses when he leaves. She is the first person who comes to the rescue every time he is sick and I have to work. 

Mom, thank for you everything you have done for me and now for Reed. The unconditional love that you give is something we will never forget.


My Mom helping Reed fill up his pool with what he calls the “shower” 


 This is what my Mom and Reed call the sleeping or seeping chair. Now who else besides your Mom can rock your kid to sleep where they are out like this.


Pee Pee On The Potty and My Fashion Sense Worries My Mommy April 19, 2012

Filed under: Life Lessons and Family Experiences,Reed's life — bolingk @ 12:42 pm

So part of the reason why I have a second blog today is because I felt the Pull-up situation was worthy of its own blog  and because I didn’t realize that I had so much documentation from the weekend and it won’t allow me to put it all on one blog.

So without further adieu, here is the story about the Pull-up:

  A couple of weeks ago Reed started telling us when he uses the bathroom in his diaper. I thought that he was just saying it, but he’s actual telling the truth. They say that this is the first step to potty training. So my Mom went to Wal-Mart and bought a potty, some training pants, boxer briefs, and Pull-ups. Saturday during our outing to Wal-Mart and Rousse’s I had Reed in a Pull-up. When we got home, about 2 and a half hours later, he was still dry. I asked him if he wanted to sit on the potty and he said yes. So I showed him how to pull his shorts down and he sat there for a while eating his cutie orange. Next thing I know, he says, “Mama, I tee-tee”.  I look down in the potty and sure enough there is pee in the potty.  In saying that, I would like to introduce all of you to Mr. Frog:

And now here is the evidence of Reed’s first use of Mr. Frog:

I know that it will be a process to get him fully potty trained but Ross and I were excited about this next step for Reed. He’s growing up WAY too fast, which brings me to my second part of the blog:

I have been taking out a few shirt and shorts from his drawers and letting him pick what he wants to wear.  Well Sunday’s outfit is blog worthy. Below is what my son played in all day. I truly believe that he is getting his fashion secrets from my Dad. If this is true, Reed and I will need to have a sit down. I can still remember like it was yesterday the morning my Dad took my friend Gretchen and I to Hardee’s. His outfit was something that belonged in a horror movie. He walked inside wearing a grey t-shirt that had a bird on it with the state of Florida that had holes everywhere and teal sweat pants with orange get it girl shorts over them that were splattered in paint.  Below is the damage:

You can’t see his feet so here is another picture that will give you a better idea:

At this point, It was not worth fighting with him so he spent all of God’s day in this. Below is a picture of him in his Power Wheel’s Jeep that he can now reach the pedal to use.


In case you were wondering what was on his bucket hat, I zoomed in to take a picture of the logo.  This is the way I am seeing life these days:

Once again, hope you all have a great week and stay tuned for updates on all the great things Reed will be experiencing in the upcoming weeks.

Simple Faith,

KB and RJK3


Crawfish trunks, Beast Mode, and I’m Elmo and I Know It

Filed under: Reed's life — bolingk @ 11:36 am
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So I just realized that I had not blogged this week. I am coming to the close of my last semester of college so things are a little hectic at the moment. Also, it seems as if every weekend we have something going on. This past weekend was the first in a long time that we pretty much stayed home and worked at the house. Ross worked really hard to fix our landscaping. It looks gorgeous. I never realized how expensive plants, dirt, and mulch were until Ross started explaining it to me. YIKES!!!

Friday evening, Reed and I had a night to ourselves while Dad went to hang out with some friends. We went to my Mom’s so that Reed could spend some time with his grandparents. Of course, every time we go there my Mom has something new for him. This time it was crawfish swim trunks and a kiddie pool. As you can see in the video, he was really excited about it.  

Reed and his new kiddie pool

In between bites of his pretzel sticks he stopped long enough to take a picture with me. We don’t have many pictures of us together.

Saturday Ross took Reed to Little Gym so that I could go and get my hair cut. Reed got moved up from the birds class to the beast class. Ross said he had a lot of fun and likes his new teacher. Ever since he started swinging from the latch on his swing he is now not afraid to swing on the bars at the gym.  He goes right up to it.

While Dad worked in the front yard, my job when I got home from the salon, was to keep Reed entertained in the back yard. The good thing with him is that it really doesn’t take very much. As usual, we played and played. He really likes the dirt. When he comes in after playing there is dirt on him in places that I didn’t know dirt could get. He is definitely ALL BOY! Reed thinks it’s really funny when I sit at the bottom of his slide and he climbs up it and then slides and runs into me. This was me taking a quick picture of the two of us. It’s not the best picture of me, but one of the sweetest pictures of him. It’s moments like this that make me really happy that I have to document what we do for the blog. Otherwise, life gets too busy and you forget.

Ross asked if I would cook dinner because he was working in the yard so after his nap Reed and I went to Wal-Mart and to Rousse‘s. Reed and I’s Wal-Mart trip consisted of trying on a bike helmet for him, him noticing big bouncy balls, and getting Pull-ups. Pull-ups? I am going to do a blog just on this so hang tight.  Here is Reed and the helmet that we tried on. We have not bought him one yet because they all have characters on them and I hate that. Big boy has a huge head and needs at least an age 3 and up.

Here is the big red bouncy ball that I ended up buying. It was only $2.50. I’m such a sucker I know.

So after Wal-Mart, Reed and I went to Rousse’s. I got the great idea that I wanted to try to use the grill on my own. If men can do it then so can women. I bought shrimp, stuffed mushrooms, asparagus, and green onions. I was actually extremely shocked and excited at how well I did. Here is a picture:

Sunday, I got something that I have been wanting to get on video for a while. Reed is really digging Elmo right now and I think that the LMFAO parody, “I’m Elmo and I know it” is hysterical. Reed drops my Ipad towards the end, but here is Reed’s reaction to it:

I’m Elmo and I know It

Well that’s all for now folks. We have lots coming up in the next few weeks with Festival International, my little brother’s birthday, my sister possibly coming in, and graduation/mother’s day weekend. I’ll have lots to update on, so stay tuned.

Peace and Love,

KB and RJK3


A motto we as parents should all live by… April 10, 2012

Filed under: Life Lessons and Family Experiences — bolingk @ 1:50 pm

A motto we as parents should all live by...

I never realized until I had Reed what little sponges kids are. They soak up everything you say and do. Our children learn by example, so if you want them to be great then show them how to be great.


Good Friday, Monsa Twuk Saturday, and Hoppy Easter

This past weekend was nice. Especially since Ross and I were both off on Friday for Good Friday. It’s always a treat to spend a little extra family time together.  Friday mid morning I took Reed to Dillard’s to get him some Under Armour shirts to put in his Easter basket. I did not want to get him candy. I wanted to get him something fairly useful. Since he sweats so much we thought that the shirts would be a great idea. On the way to the mall Reed fell asleep, so I shopped about 80% of the time with him snoozing.

When we got home his Dad was washing his truck in the driveway. Reed wanted to use the hose, which he calls shower.  Below is a picture. This picture really reminds me of some that my Mom has of my little brother. It’s quite frightening the resemblance that the two of them have.

So him using the shower escalated to me going to get his swim suit and him actually helping his dad wash the truck. He also washed his wagon which he calls “his ride”.

After  we washed his ride and took Reed for a spin in it to let it dry we went to the back yard to play. Last weekend when we went to try on some clothes for Reed at  For The Little One‘s my Mom and I picked up a Melissa and Doug bug box and some gardening tools. He uses the gardening tools to dig in a dead patch of grass for his bugs. Below is a picture and also a video.  You may want to turn your speakers up so you can hear him.

Reed digging for bugs

Friday night we spent the evening at a family friend’s house in New Iberia eating boiled crawfish and spending some much-needed time together.  It was so nice to see the William’s family. Our families met when I and their oldest daughter started kindergarten MANY years ago.

Saturday Reed and I headed over to Little Gym only to realize that it was closed for the Easter holiday so I took him to breakfast for the very first time at Chik fil a.  He loved the little circle hash browns.

That afternoon we went to the mall to hang out with my brother. My brother asked if I would be interested in going to dinner with him and hanging out since we don’t see each other much. Ross agreed to watch Reed so I could do this. While I was getting ready, Ross decided he wanted to take Reed to the Monster Jam at the Cajun Dome.  They were even able to score some pit passes so that Reed could see the “twuks” up close and personal. Below are a few pictures of their guys night. Evan and his parents were able to go meet Reed and Ross. Reed loves Evan and says that he is his “fwiend”.

Sunday was pretty low-key. We went to 9 am mass in Broussard and then we went to Ross’s dad’s house and then my parents house. It was a very nice day with family and friends. Below is a picture of the basket I made him because I could not find one that I like. The other  picture  is of Ribbit. Ribbit is the frog that my oldest sister Carrie mailed to him for Easter. It’s as big as he is and so soft. He love his Ribbit very much.


We hope that you all had a very Hoppy Easter.


KB & Reed


The Bebe is Sick and Number 1 Draft Picks April 9, 2012

Filed under: Life Lessons and Family Experiences,Reed's life — bolingk @ 11:49 am

This picture here says it all. This is why I am a little behind on blogging. I normally like to blog at least once or twice a week but the bug came over to our house to visit last week. Between that and  me trying to stay caught up on school work because he was sick, it’s been a crazy couple of weeks. It all started  Tuesday before last when he started running a little fever at about 5 o’ clock. I just thought it was his 2 year molar’s coming out because he’s had his hand in his mouth for a while now. The next morning he ran fever, but not high enough to really take him to the pediatrician. Later that evening, he kept crying and crying and nothing we did to console him worked. Next thing I know, he gets off the couch and pukes all over the living room floor. Gotta love the combination of milk and carrots. I cleaned up the puke while his dad cleaned him up. After that, he was completely fine. He slept all night. The next morning he was back to being real lethargic and not really wanting to do anything but sleep. He woke up from a nap, downed a bunch of water, and then threw up all over my Mom.  Boy do we love that woman for everything she does for us.  After that, he slowly began to recover and be that rambunctious little boy that we all know and love. That weekend was very low-key for us because he was sick. We missed two birthday parties because we did not want to get the other kids sick.

Because he was better by Sunday, we did go to his #1 Draft Pick Photo Shoot at Foster Park in Youngsville for JV Clothiers. If you haven’t read or don’t know, this was the contest we entered him in about a month ago. He had a great time playing with the baseball, football, golf club, and bat. I think his favorite part was running and jumping on the bases and playing in the dug out. Here are a couple of photo’s from the shoot.  The owner’s and photographer were so patient with our little toddler and we really appreciated it. If you don’t know much about JV Clothiers I suggest you check them out. They specialize in  preppy collegiate wear for young boys sizes 2/2T-14. Their clothing is of the highest quality, yet still soft enough for Reed to play in and be comfortable. I have no doubt that Reed can not ruin this. They are in constant contact with colleges to get the licensing needed to support their schools. Below are the couple of pictures that we have so far and also the website. Take a look after you read this, you will be glad you did.


Our little #1 Draft Pick.  A very special THANK YOU goes out to everyone who took the time to vote for our little guy. We love and appreciate you all very much. 🙂


Reed is up in the gym just working on his fitness March 27, 2012

In November of last year we enrolled Reed in The Little Gym. We wanted him to be around and get some interaction with other kids his age. The Little Gym is the worldʼs premier experiential learning and physical development center for kids ages four months through 12 years. Each week, progressively structured classes and a positive learning environment create opportunities for children to try new things and build self-confidence. In all of our programs, physical activity is a conduit for Three-Dimensional Learning. In every dimension, self-confidence and a proud smile are evident outcomes. You can learn more about the three dimensional learning at:

Reed gets really excited on Saturday mornings when we talk about going to gym. Here is a video from this past Saturday of him and I talking about it before I got him  out of the car to go into the building:

Reed talking about Gym before we get down

Everything at the Little Gym is done to music. Songs are sung, bubbles are blown, and there is even a skill of the day that all the kids get to try.  Reed’s always had a pretty big fascination with the balance beams and the bubbles.

You can see the bubbles behind Reed. These are what I call magic bubbles. They do not burst. Bubble time is one of Reed’s favorites.

In the gym are two different balance beams. The one Reed is climbing up is the wider of the two. He’s always liked this one, but recently he’s been trying out the skinnier beam. He’s doing really well on it considering his age.  Below are a few pictures of him on the big beam and a couple video’s of him being brave on the skinnier beam. The pictures are a little blurry, but it’s because he’s moving so quick around the gym that it’s hard to get him in one spot long enough to take a picture.

This is Reed’s first attempt at the skinny beam. As you can tell by the sound of my voice, I was pretty shocked and nervous.

At the beam part 1

This is Reed on the beam with another little boy this past Saturday. He’s really getting brave.

At the beam another time

This past Saturday when they introduced themselves (more like when the parents say the kid’s name and their age) they got to do a front roll over what they call the hot dog. Well during explorer time Reed found the hotdog. Here he is rolling it back and forth. I like to think that this is prepping him for the tires that he will flip doing Cross Fit one day. 😉

I roll the hotdog back and forth

This morning my Mom sent this picture to my phone with the caption, “Where did he learn this?”. It’s safe to say that all of that hanging from the bars at the gym has finally paid off.  Thank you Little Gym for building Reed’s confidence and turning our little buddy into a little dare-devil.